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Curriculum for Wales CfW

Curriculum for Wales Summary Statement

Curriculum For Wales - Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Please watch the following videos from Welsh Government to explain the RSE curriculum. We will be running parental information sessions in the Autumn term to share resources and the applicable scheme of work for each year group. RSE is statutory and will be taught through the curriculum in subjects such as science, wellbeing, humanities and religion and values education. From September there is no longer a parental right to withdraw their child from RSE but the curriculum will be taught in an age appropriate and sensitive way.

Curriculum for Wales (CfW)

The Curriculum for Wales is due to be rolled out from September 2022, with primary schools being the first to switch to the new curriculum.

The new Curriculum for Wales will be followed by children from the ages of three to 16. There won’t be a separate curriculum for primary and secondary schools; rather, it will be a continuum across all stages.

The new Curriculum for Wales has been developed to fulfil four purposes. It aims to produce children who are, or will become:

  • Ambitious, capable learners
  • Healthy, confident individuals
  • Enterprising, creative contributors
  • Ethical, informed citizens

The Curriculum for Wales will have six areas of learning.

1. Expressive arts incorporating art, dance, drama, film and digital media, and music. It will encourage creativity and critical thinking, and include performance.

2. Humanities incorporating geographyhistoryRE, business studies and social studies. It will be based on human experiences and will also cover Welsh culture.

3. Health and wellbeing: this covers the physical, psychological, emotional and social aspects of life, helping students make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing and learn how to manage social influences. It will include PE.

4. Science and technology incorporating biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and design and technology.

5. Mathematics and numeracy: in the early years, this will involve learning through play. In later stages, it will include working both independently and collaboratively with others.

6. Languages, literacy and communication: this will include Welsh and English, literature and international languages. Welsh language teaching will still be compulsory (as an additional language for children who don’t use Welsh as their first language.

In addition, literacy, numeracy and digital skills will be embedded throughout all curriculum areas.