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FAQ's Information for parents

Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council
Education and Inclusion Service Directorate
VERSION 1 (17.6.20)
Mae'r ddogfen yma ar gael yn y Gymraeg / This document is available in Welsh.
This guidance is intended to support parents and carers during the re-opening of schools and the continuation of childcare for children of key / essential workers and for vulnerable children and is informed by Welsh Government guidance:
Further information can be found at:
Since 23 March, in line with the scientific advice, nurseries, schools and colleges have remained open to priority groups of children and young people, children of key / essential workers and vulnerable children. Welsh Government have been clear that we would review this arrangement in line with scientific advice and has set out a recovery strategy, while also ensuring that safety remains the absolute priority. This means it is time to begin the phased return of children and young people to schools in a way that is measured, reduces risks and is guided by science.
1. Why can more children now attend school and childcare settings?
Since the decision to close schools for statutory provision, our understanding of the virus and its longer-term impacts has continued to develop. We know
that we are going to have to live with it for some time and it will remain our biggest challenge for the foreseeable future. What we are doing is creating the opportunity for children to 'Check in, Catch Up and Prepare' before the start of September.
2. When can my child return to school?
Schools will start the next phase on 29 June 2020.
It is expected that this will mean, at most, a third of pupils present at any one time, though schools may need time to reach this level of operation. There will be much smaller classes (in accordance with Welsh Government guidance), providing secure dedicated time with teachers and classmates. This time will include online and personalised classroom experience, getting children and teachers ready for a similar experience in September.
3. Will all age groups be returning to school in the summer term?
All year groups (with the exception of nursery children) will be returning to from 29 June. Pupils will be taught in smaller groups and will not be in school every day. No more than a third of pupils will be in school at any one time.
Schools will contact parents to advise of arrangements for attendance which will be specific to individual schools and will advise of the relevant day(s) that your child should attend.
4. How will risks to children, teachers and families be managed?
WG have provided guidance and support to schools and childcare settings at to help them to reduce the risk of transmission as more children and young people return.
To prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), schools and other settings will use a range of protective measures to create safer environments in which the risk of spreading the virus is substantially reduced. Whilst such changes are likely to look different in each setting, as they will depend upon individual circumstances, they are all designed to minimise risks to children, staff and their families.
Schools and other settings should communicate their plans to parents once they have had a chance to work through them in detail. Approaches we are asking schools and other settings to take include:
 carrying out a risk assessment before opening to more children and young people - the assessment will directly address risks associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) so that sensible measures can be put in place to minimise those risks for children, young people and staff
 making sure that children and young people do not attend if they or a member of their household has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)
 undertaking regular hand washing for 20 seconds with running water and soap or use of sanitiser and ensuring good respiratory hygiene by promoting the catch it, bin it, kill it approach
 use of foot operated / self-closing pedal bins for the disposal of used tissues / sanitiser wipes
 installing signage to remind all children and staff of the need for frequent hand washing
 frequent cleaning of regularly touched surfaces, such as door handles, handrails, tabletops, play equipment and toys
 provision of antibacterial wipes to facilitate regular spot cleaning
 minimising contact through smaller classes or group sizes and altering the environment as much as possible, such as changing the layout of classrooms
 signage throughout the building to facilitate and remind of the need for social distancing
 reducing mixing between groups through timetable changes, such as staggered break times and by introducing staggered drop-off and collection times
 pupils bringing and using their own school equipment
 no unnecessary external visitors to the school and visitors must only be admitted by appointment only.
 developing protocols around the use of toilets during break and lunch times.
5. Is it compulsory for my child to attend school?
We strongly encourage children and young people and priority groups (such as vulnerable children) to attend, as requested by their school unless they are self-isolating or there are other reasons for absence (such as shielding due to health conditions).
You should notify your child's school as normal if your child is unable to attend so that staff are aware and can discuss with you.
Parents will not be fined for non-attendance at this time.
6. Should I keep my child at home if they have an underlying health condition or live with someone in a clinically vulnerable group?
Any parent who has medical concerns about their child should seek and follow medical advice provided by Public Health Wales or their local GP in respect of accessing school during the current pandemic.
Where a learner is unable to attend school due to underlying health issues, the schools will continue to provide support and resources in order for learning to take place. This may be through a variety of means, such as work packs and digitally sourced work through Hwb, etc.
7. Will education be provided as normal to children and young people who are attending?
Education settings still have the flexibility to provide support and education to children and young people attending school in the way they see fit during this time.
Schools continue to be best placed to make decisions about how to support and educate their pupils during this period. This will include:
 consideration of pupils' mental health and wellbeing
 assessment of where pupils are in their learning in order to make any necessary adjustments to their curriculum over the coming weeks
 provision for pupils with Statements of Special Educational Needs
Schools will contact parents regarding the day(s) that each child should attend.
Schools will use their best endeavours to support pupils attending as well as those remaining at home, making use of the available remote education support.
Remote education will remain the predominant mode of education for these pupils.
8. What measures have been taken to ensure social distancing on the school site?
All schools are installing signage to facilitate social distancing and remind all staff and learners of the need to maintain social distancing of 2 metres.
One-way systems will be in operation (where possible) and floor / wall markings will be used to identify one-way routes.
Classrooms are being rearranged so that pupils will be able to safely sit / learn 2 metres apart.
Pupils will remain in one classroom throughout the school day (where possible).
Toilets will operate on a one in – one out basis.
School start / end times and lunch and break periods will be staggered.
9. Will there be regular hand-washing facilities for staff and pupils?
Pupils and staff will be encouraged to wash or sanitise their hands upon arrival at school / when leaving school and regularly throughout the day, especially before and after handling food and when someone has sneezed or coughed. Foot operated pedal bins with self-closing lids will be available for the disposal of used tissues and sanitiser wipes. Signage will be in place throughout school buildings identifying hand sanitiser locations and each sink area will have signage reminding all of the need for hand washing. Plentiful supplies of hand soap and hand sanitiser are being delivered to all schools by the Local Authority.
10. How often will schools be cleaned?
Daily cleaning frequencies / durations are being greatly increased at every school. Cleaners have received instructions regarding enhanced cleaning requirements and the identification of surfaces, which require additional / more frequent cleaning, such as door handles, tabletops, handrails etc.
11. What if a parent wants to enter the school building to speak to a teacher?
No parents will be permitted within any school building. Should teacher / parent contact be required, this should be by appointment and arrangements for audio and / or video communication explored as an alternative.
12. School buildings have been out of use for several months – have they been maintained?
Routine maintenance has been undertaken on school buildings throughout the period that schools have been closed. Caretakers have been on many sites throughout the closure period and statutory testing has been kept up to date.
13. What will class sizes be?
Class sizes will be limited to a maximum of 8 pupils per class at primary level. At primary and secondary level, class sizes will be dependent upon the classroom space / size and the ability to maintain social distancing of 2 metres. Where the classroom sizes are smaller, the pupil numbers in each classroom will be smaller, to enable social distancing to be maintained.
14. What will the arrangements be for pupils using the toilet?
Toilets will be on a one in – one out basis, with appropriate signage in place to facilitate safe waiting arrangements.
15. Will my child be with the same group at all times, and in friendship groups?
You will be contacted by your child's school to advise of the day(s) that your child should attend. Children will be kept in the same groups wherever possible to reduce cross contamination risk.
16. Will siblings attending the same school attend on the same day?
You will be contacted by your child's school to advise of the day(s) that your child(ren) should attend school. Schools will be using best endeavours to try and enable siblings at the same school to attend on the same day(s) but this cannot be guaranteed.
17. Can my child bring in their own hand sanitiser, and wear PPE?
All schools will have hand sanitiser throughout the building and this will be fully available for the use of all pupils and staff.
PPE is not advised or required, however, should a child wish to wear PPE to school, then they are able to. However, please bear in mind the advice that face coverings should not be worn by those who may not be able to handle them as directed (for example, young children, or those with special educational needs or disabilities) as it may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission.
Face coverings are not a replacement for far more effective measures such as social distancing and hand hygiene.
18. Can my child bring a pencil case/rucksack to school?
Children can bring a pencil case / rucksack to school as required. This should be solely for their personal use and equipment / stationery must not be shared. However, please note that fabric pencil cases can be difficult to clean.
Transfer of items to and from the home should be minimised where possible.
19. How will break / lunch times be managed and monitored to ensure social distancing?
Pupils will eat lunch at their own desk or, if available, in identified dining areas where social distancing can be maintained. Dining may also be undertaken outdoors (weather permitting) – again, maintaining social distancing.
Break times and lunch times will be staggered so that the numbers of children at break / lunch at the same time will be the lowest number possible.
20. How can social distancing be maintained in relation to pupils with Additional Leaning Needs or pupils who require physical assistance?
In circumstances where social distancing is difficult (such as attending to the needs of a pupil with additional learning needs or physical needs), additional PPE will be provided for staff. The Local Authority is providing all schools with supplies of PPE.
Schools will also be provided with mobile screens enabling them to provide 1:1 educational / pastoral / emotional support to pupils who require it without the need to wear PPE.
21. How can the Foundation Phase be delivered safely?
Foundation Phase pupils will still have the opportunity to learn through play. Additional use will be made of available outdoor areas and classroom spaces can be zoned to create safe areas for writing activities; creative activities; building activities; play activities etc. Sand and water pits will not be in use and soft furnishings and dressing up outfits will not be available. However, Early Years staff have vast experience of creative and engaging ways of working with young children. Resources used will be easily cleanable and cleaned between each use.
22. Will work be provided for the days that children are not in school?
Distance learning activities will continue to be provided for the days than children are not attending school and for those children who are unable to attend school due to health / shielding circumstances.
23. How will school pick up and drop off be managed?
School start and end times will be staggered.
Parents /carers dropping off children must maintain a 2 metre distance from other families wherever possible. Markers will be in place on the ground to help parents / carers queue and remain 2 metres apart. Parents / carers will not be permitted to enter the school building and must leave the school site immediately and not congregate.
Afternoon pick up arrangements will vary depending on the school site layout. Schools will make appropriate arrangements to ensure 2 metre social distancing is maintained wherever possible. Parents / carers / pupils must leave the school site immediately and not congregate.
24. Will breakfast clubs and after school clubs run?
There will be no breakfast club provision and no after school club provision. Please ensure your child has breakfast prior to coming to school.
25. What will the arrangements be for lunch time?
Packed lunch provision will be available free of charge where pupils meet the free school meal eligibility criteria. In special schools usual lunchtime meal provision will remain. All other pupils and staff must bring their own packed lunch to school. No food will be available for purchase. However, it is important to note that any food/packaging brought from home must be taken back home by individual learners and schools will determine appropriate controls that will be in place to ensure that cross contamination is limited as much as is practical. Pupils will eat lunch at their own desk or, if available, in identified dining areas where social distancing can be maintained. Dining may also be undertaken outdoors (weather permitting) – again, maintaining social distancing.
26. Will older students be able to leave school to have lunch in the community?
No children will be permitted to leave the school site during the school day.
27. Will Free School Meals continue – and what about when pupils are not in school?
BACS payments will continue to be made to parents of pupils entitled to free school meals. On the days that pupils entitled to free school meals are attending school, a packed lunch provision will be provided at school.
28. Will water be available during the day?
All pupils should bring filled water bottles to school that can be refilled during the day. The refilling of water bottles will be managed and supervised by the school to ensure that the safe refilling of water bottles is available to pupils who need/or request it.
29. Will school uniform have to worn, and how often must clothes be washed?
Schools will inform parents and pupils of the expectations for wearing school uniform. Daily washing of clothes worn to a school setting is strongly recommended.
30. Will I need to send in outdoor learning clothing/gym clothes?
Your child's school will advise as this will be dependent on the learning activities planned. Changing facilities will not be in use, so if outdoor clothing is required, this should be worn to school.
31. What happens if there is a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in my child's school or childcare setting?
If a child, young person or staff member develops symptoms compatible with coronavirus (COVID-19), they will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 7 days. Their fellow household members should self-isolate for 14 days. All staff and students will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Where the child, young person or staff member tests positive, the rest of their class/group within their childcare or education setting will be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days. The other household members of that wider class/group do not need to self-isolate unless the child, young person or staff member they live with in that group subsequently develops symptoms.
Where settings are observing guidance on infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole setting will not generally be necessary.
32. When should I not send my child to school? For example, if they have a fever?
Under no circumstances should learners or staff attend schools/setting if they:
- feel unwell, have any of the three identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days;
- live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19; or
- has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
33. Will school transport be provided when the schools re-open?
The Council is working to resume its dedicated school transport services for vulnerable pupils and those who have no other alternative means of transport.
As social distancing on school buses is extremely challenging, with capacity being limited to only 20%, we are encouraging parents and carers to take children to school by walking or cycling, or alternatively by private car, rather than using dedicated school transport. We understand that this won't be possible for some people.
If you usually receive dedicated school transport and still need to use it from 29 June 2020, you will need to confirm this with your school. They are contacting all parents and carers in order to confirm likely pupil numbers. If you have not heard from your school, please contact the school immediately.
34. Will my child's usual school transport route be running?
We are working with schools and other educational settings to provide the same mainstream transport routes. However, social distancing on school transport is challenging and capacity will be limited to only 20%. Journey times may be quicker.
Your child's transport may look different when they return to school. Some changes may include travelling with different pupils, alternative routes with shorter journey times, transport staff wearing PPE including masks, and where appropriate with no other passenger sitting directly next to them. We understand that the changes to the school journey will be unsettling to some children and young people. Please explain these changes to your child in advance to help them prepare.
35. It is important to inform your school if you will need to use school transport.
We will use the information provided by schools on their requirements to schedule the transport. If the school has not confirmed that you have been allocated a seat on school transport, you must make your own way into school.
For those pupils to whom the school has confirmed arrangements are in place, mainstream school transport will continue to operate as it did before the coronavirus pandemic. Timetables for mainstream pupils are shown here
36. My child has additional learning needs. What transport arrangements will be in place to Learning Support Classes, Pupil Referral Units and Special Schools?
We understand that families may be anxious about home to school transport arrangements during the coronavirus pandemic. We will do our best to provide support and keep things as consistent as possible by trying to use the same contractor, driver and passenger assistant but we may need to provide larger vehicles to enable social distancing.
As social distancing on school transport is extremely challenging, reducing capacity to only 20%, we are encouraging parents and carers to take children to school by
walking or cycling, or alternatively by mobility car or private car, rather than using dedicated school transport. We understand that this won't be possible for some people.
If you usually receive dedicated school transport and still require this from 29 June 2020, you will need to confirm this with your school. They are contacting all parents and carers in order to confirm likely pupil numbers. If you have not heard from your school, please contact the school immediately.
Your child's transport may look different when they return to school. Some changes may include travelling with different pupils, alternative routes with shorter journey times, transport staff wearing PPE including masks, and where appropriate with no other passenger sitting directly next to them. We understand that the changes to the school journey will be unsettling to some children and young people. Please explain these changes to your child in advance to help them prepare.
37. I pay for a seat on school transport, will I still be able to travel?
Unfortunately the Council has had to suspend this discretionary service because social distancing has reduced the capacity available for pupils who are in receipt of statutory school transport. If you have purchased a seat on school transport for the 2019/20 academic year, you will receive a refund of £42.00 for the Summer Term.
38. What will school transport look like when schools return on 29 June 2020?
The Welsh Government has issued guidance for the reopening of schools and the Council will be working to those guidelines going forward
The number of pupils that will be able to travel at any one time is limited to only 20% due to social distancing. It is important for parents/carers and children to practice social distancing wherever possible.
Passenger assistants will only be provided for primary and additional learning needs transport. Their role will be to ensure the safety of passengers and ensure that they are sitting in the correct location. Children should be shown how to secure their seat belts, ensuring that personal contact is kept to an absolute minimum.
39. What precautions must my child take when travelling?
We ask that parents and carers help communicate to pupils the importance of following good hygiene and social distancing, as this will play a key role in keeping everyone safe.
This means taking the following precautions:
 do not travel if you're experiencing any coronavirus symptoms, self-isolating as a result of coronavirus symptoms, sharing a household with somebody with symptoms or clinically extremely vulnerable,
 consider if using school transport is absolutely necessary,
 wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands before leaving the house,
 keep a 2 metre distance from people outside of your own household throughout the journey to school, including at the bus stop as well as on the vehicle
 avoid physical contact with others,
 windows will be open for ventilation,
 face away from other people when using transport,
 avoid touching surfaces like handrails and window ledges,
 don't touch your face,
 keep the time spent near others as short as possible when using transport,
 minimise the number of surfaces you touch,
 passengers will not be able to eat or drink whilst using transport,
 wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or sanitise your hands before leaving school.
Please note that a refusal to comply with health and safety requirements, good hygiene and social distancing could jeopardise your child's place on school transport. Your support in reinforcing this message with your child would be hugely appreciated.
40. What will the arrangements for social distancing be on school transport?
Social distancing applies to children as well as adults in order to help minimise the risk of transmission of the virus. Pupils should keep 2 metres from others who are not in their household. If this is not possible they should avoid physical contact and face away from others. A face covering is not a legal requirement but could be useful for periods when using public or school transport where it is difficult to maintain 2 metres distancing. While parents / carers may feel apprehensive about the risks in using school transport during the coronavirus pandemic, they should decide whether to do so, or, if they prefer, they should make their own arrangements to transport their child to and from school.
Seating arrangements have been carefully considered and all appropriate actions taken to reduce risk and maintain distancing of 2 metres in vehicles where reasonable and practicable. Pupils from the same household may sit next to each other, as long as one of them occupies a marked window seat. A typical seating arrangement is shown on the plan below. The staggered arrangement enables a practical capacity of 13 pupils on a 70 seat coach.
Vehicle sizes and available capacities will vary but it should be noted that whilst the diagonal distance between pupils sitting in the seats marked in green will normally exceed 2 metres, the distance between pupils sat in front of each other, on the same side of the vehicle, will vary but will generally be just under 2 metres, even though every other row is empty. Strict adherence to maintaining distancing of 2 metres in
vehicles would reduce capacity to the extent that it would render the provision of transport impracticable.
41. How will your child know where to sit?
We will be asking each transport supplier to consider if there are any practical changes that they can make on their vehicles, in the light of social distancing which will reduce capacity to only 20%, such as cordoning off seats to help passengers spread out.
When boarding the bus on the way to school, pupils must take the rear most available seat and the child or young person nearest the entrance must leave first.
When boarding the bus on the way home from school, follow the instructions from the driver. Pupils living the furthest away from school must take up the rear most available seat so that the child or young person nearest the entrance can leave first.
42. How will you ensure that services are not overcrowded?
We are relying on schools to provide information to the Council to prevent any overcrowding. It is important to inform your school if you need to use school transport. Only named passengers that have prior agreement to travel will be allowed to use transport. Drivers will have lists of pupils that will be allocated to their vehicle each day.
We are working with our transport suppliers to monitor vehicle capacity levels in accordance with the social distancing guidelines in order to make sure as far as possible that buses don't become overcrowded.
43. Will transport suppliers be following health and safety guidance?
We are asking transport suppliers to follow the Welsh Government Guidance This guidance includes actions such as regular sanitising and the thorough cleaning of vehicles.
44. What will happen with school transport for the new school year in September 2020?
The coronavirus pandemic has meant that we have needed to make some extensive changes to our school transport arrangements in order to accommodate social distancing. We will need to consider what changes or different arrangements might need to happen from September 2020 when the new academic year starts. If any ongoing changes are needed from that point, we will contact parents and carers directly as soon as possible.
45. Will my child be expected to wear a face covering?
The Welsh Government has recently provided answers to frequently asked questions about face coverings when using public transport. It states that the evidence remains clear that the most effective way to protect your child and others from infection is to follow social distancing rules, avoid touching surfaces and your face, and wash your hands regularly.
Younger children and those with special needs may not be able to safely wear a face covering. Secondary age children may wish to make use of a face covering but they are not a substitute for good hygiene and social distancing.
Transport providers across Wales have introduced measures to ensure a 2 metre distance between passengers is possible most of the time, but we realise that this is not always possible to maintain. In such circumstances, Welsh Government advice is to use three-layer, non-medical face coverings.
46. Will key / essential workers and vulnerable learners still be able to access childcare hubs?
Current hub schools will close and emergency childcare provision for the children of key / essential workers and particularly vulnerable pupils between the ages of 3-14 (3-19 in special schools) will be provided in their own school from Monday 29 June onwards. Schools will offer this provision alongside the reopening of schools.
47. Do I still need to apply for emergency childcare?
Applications for emergency childcare provision will need to be made on a regular basis by key / essential workers for the days and times required. Applications for the period commencing 27 June will open at 8am on Friday 19 June and close at 11:59pm on Sunday 21 June. No late applications will be accepted. Emergency childcare places will be strictly limited, are subject to availability and should only be applied for as a last resort Evidence of your key / essential worker status may be required. Making an application does not guarantee an emergency childcare place.
From 29 June, schools will offer emergency childcare provision between the hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm for children of key / essential workers and for core school hours for vulnerable learners.
Parents/ carers of particularly vulnerable learners requiring a new placement will need to make one application for emergency childcare for the period commencing Monday 29 June through to the end of the summer term.
All vulnerable learners currently attending an emergency childcare setting will be relocated to their usual school setting from Monday 29 June. Their place will be available each day (Monday to Friday) for core school hours, unless advised otherwise. If a place is not required, the parent / carer should advise the school.
For the purpose of emergency childcare provision, vulnerable learners are:
• Children on the child protection register;
• Children in need of care and support with an allocated social worker
• Looked after children;
• Young carers; and
• Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN).
Emergency childcare provision is available to nursery aged children within their current school setting.
48. Will my child still be able to catch up with their teacher if they are attending school for emergency childcare purposes?
Children accessing emergency childcare provision will still have the opportunity to catch up and check in with their teacher / peer group. Schools will advise of the day(s) that each child will be required to attend school for educational purposes. On the days that any child is in school for educational (as opposed to childcare) purposes, provision on those days will be for usual school hours only.
49. Will transport be provided for children attending school for emergency childcare?
Transport will only be provided for vulnerable learners who are usually entitled to school transport.
Children of key / essential workers who usually receive school transport will only be entitled to school transport on days where they are attending school for educational purposes. On these days, they will attend for core school hours only. (Please note that due to restrictions on school transport, availability of transport will not be possible for all and you will be notified by your school in due course of the availability of transport for your child on these days. Please contact your school if you have not been notified).
On days where children of key / essential workers are attending school for emergency childcare purposes, transport will not be provided.
50. Will meals be provided for children attending school for emergency childcare?
From Monday, June 29, there will be no breakfast provision for any pupils, so please ensure that your child has breakfast prior to coming to school.
Packed lunch provision will be available free of charge only for pupils who meet the free school meal eligibility criteria.
In special schools usual lunchtime meal provision will remain.
All other pupils and staff must bring their own packed lunch to school. No food will be available for purchase. However, it is important to note that any food/packaging brought from home must be taken back home by individual learners and schools will determine appropriate controls that will be in place to ensure that cross contamination is limited as much as is practical.
51. Will emergency childcare provision for key / essential workers and particularly vulnerable learners be available over the summer holiday period?
Welsh Government may require local authorities to provide emergency childcare during the summer break. Further information on provision over the summer break for all requiring emergency childcare will be provided in due course.